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Beck Farm House

Beck Farm, Lincolnshire


  • Residential Only
  • Learning disabilities

Voyage Care

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Beck Farm House
Beck Lane
DN19 7AF

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Autistic spectrum disorders, Behavioural support, Learning disability, Physical disability, Prader-Willi Syndrome

At Beck Farm we provide care and support to seven individuals with a learning disability and complex needs, which may include behavioural support and Prader Willi Syndrome.

Beck Farm is a detached Georgian property situated in the small village of Barrow in North Lincolnshire. It is within walking distance of local shops and a short bus ride to the nearest town, Barton.

We support each individual to maintain existing skills and develop new ones. People have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities and events. These include swimming, bowling, discos, horse riding and visits to the cinema, the birds of prey centre, pubs and places of interest, such as the seaside and museums. Everyone is supported to access colleges to complete courses which interest them.

Anyone who chooses to live at Beck Farm is encouraged to help with cleaning, cooking and laundry and to have an active input into the running of the service, making decisions with the support of staff, if needed.

Family and friends are welcome to visit or call at any time, with due respect paid to everyone’s safety, comfort and privacy.

Two staff are identified to take a specific interest in each individual and work closely with them, their family and anyone else with a significant role in their life. These key workers will make sure that all relevant information about care needs is up to date, attend reviews, assist with planning holidays, make appointments and help plan for the future.

The service has two spacious living rooms, a dining room and a kitchen. There are seven bedrooms, all of which have en-suite facilities and can be personalised to meet individuals’ needs and tastes.

There is an attractive fenced garden featuring seating areas to the rear of the property and a well-established garden at the front.