Occupational Therapy

Staying Independent – Occupational Therapy

How can an Occupational Therapist help?

If you have decided that you need a little extra help with day to day living but want to remain in your own home, visits from an Occupational Therapist may be an option. Occupational therapy aims to support and promote people’s health through their day to day activities, identifying problem areas which you may have in your everyday life, such as dressing and will help you to work out a solution. An occupational therapist will allow you to regain or improve your independence by using techniques to improve your abilities or by changing the equipment you are using.

What will an occupational therapist do?

An Occupational therapist will visit or discuss with you the areas or activities in your everyday living that you find difficult. They will then help by either teaching you a different way to complete the activity or will recommend changes that will make the activity easier. For example, they could teach a person with arthritis to protect the joints and conserve energy, or could help a person with memory impairment organize and label draws and cabinets

Occupational therapists have specialist knowledge and will be able to recommend any adaptations to your home which they feel could help and can teach you to use new equipment such as grab rails etc. The occupational therapist will also work with your carer to get the best possible outcome for you.

Some occupational therapists have additional training in “moving and handling”, which is very important for carers who can often damage their own health by moving or lifting an individual in the wrong way.

Occupational therapists will also refer you on to other services that can help, such as speech and language therapy.

How can I get referred to an Occupational Therapist?

Local councils usually provide occupational therapy as part of their social care services and will determine your need through a care assessment. You can also ask your local GP or health visitor to refer you to social services, or contact your local social services directly.

If you prefer to access an occupational therapist privately, it is vital to ensure that they are full qualified and registered with the Health Professions Council (HPC). If you are unsure, contact a recognized body such as the British Association of Occupational Therapists.

Written for yourcarehome - author: Mark Sadler

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